Is LinkedIn Premium Worth It?

Is LinkedIn Premium worth it? I ask myself this question every time I see the charge on my bank statement, but somehow time and time again end up affirmative. Read this article take my two cents. If you decide to put it towards your LinkedIn Premium subscription, I won’t blame you.

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Danielle LeBlanc
DeepSeek And Ye Shall Find

A few days ago on LinkedIn, the panic was palpable. The aspirational mountain-climbing selfies and Q1 progress reflections that usually make up my timeline were replaced by posts about Chinese AI company DeepSeek and the downfall of NVIDIA. Fortunately, before I had to parse through the news alone, Eric Kavanagh announced his latest webinar, “Don’t Panic! A Deep Dive on the DeepSeek $Trillion Crash.”

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Danielle LeBlanc
Les Dualités

Quelquefois, j'espère que ma connaissance de beaucoup de langues comme La Française et Le Coréen est bonne pour ma carrière comme une analyste. Les langes technologique peuvent avoir des similarités que m’aider a translater comme requis.

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Danielle LeBlanc
Three Creative Uses for Twitter Spaces

Though TV Dramas will always be a beloved method of learning a new language, the interactive nature of spaces definitely lends itself to the task as well. Spaces are free, accessible at most hours, and once you’re comfortable enough to try speaking, you have a built in way to do so - just request the mic!

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Danielle LeBlanc
Staking and Breaking - A Trader's Journey

For crypto investors solely interested in trading for money’s sake, staking is an attractive option. Nobody likes to wait for eons as ethereum rises and falls, knowing that their money is not making profits, nor guaranteed to do so. Accumulating interest can be a positive alternative to letting your money sit. However, if you are using your ethereum to invest in NFTs or ENS domains, both of which have their own added significance, your money isn’t sitting.

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Danielle LeBlanc
Merlin, Marketing and Mental Health

My guru in the content creation space is no doubt Eric Kavanagh. He’s a media icon with unparalleled insight into what makes the tech industry tick.

On today’s episode of Inside Analysis, Eric and his guest Josh Constine of Signalfire reached back through the roots of humanity to describe current opportunities and challenges taking over the creator economy.

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Danielle LeBlanc
Show For The Tech, Stay For The People

My favorite thing about Nikema’s spaces is that she does not shy away from the topics that often float in the air as elephants in the room. I’d followed Nikema on Twitter before Spaces were introduced, so when I saw a few weeks ago that she was speaking about mental health and preserving one’s peace within the tech industry, I had to check it out. After attending several of her Twitter Spaces since then, I can say that Nikema has sold me on the platform’s ability as a whole to create widespread change.

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Danielle LeBlanc
The Bold Existence of Twitter

Just like any space - virtual or otherwise - Twitter is what you make of it. But what I can say with absolute confidence is that your success in any room grows parallel to how much you genuinely love being there. So instead of thinking of “networking” as a straight pathway to profit, identify your dreams and let them lead you to the right communities, connections and relationships - ones that will inspire your dreams to fruition and be the foundation for many future dreams to flourish.

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Danielle LeBlanc
3 Benefits of Evolving Your Process

Every episode of #DataFemme prior to the most recent one: “A Data Lover’s Domain”, was edited in a very similar fashion. I imported all the guests’ tracks individually into my software and played with them: a little puzzle that always resulted in a streamlined product. But lately, I have received feedback from my guests that instilled in me a need to change my editing process.

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Danielle LeBlanc
Your Song's Up Next

Some of you may know that I’m a Juilliard trained musician. But did you know how much I LOVE karaoke? Lately, I’ve been singing karaoke at my local watering hole several times a week and let me tell you: it’s a real physical, mental and emotional release. However, it often happens that I want to try singing songs by a certain artist but can’t decide which song would be best to break the ice. Fortunately, there is a package in R that can help me randomly pull a selection of an artist’s songs and let the computer decide how I make my mark. That package’s name is “chorrrds.”

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Danielle LeBlanc
I Marvel At Your Career

We all know there are casualties that come from innovation. Many people don’t even like to talk about them. But I, through #DataFemme, am a champion for Ethical AI. And I firmly believe that every life that could be potentially negatively impacted by the growth of technology should be protected and taken into consideration.

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Danielle LeBlanc
A Data Hiree's Bill of Rights

This morning, I was talking with a friend of mine collecting thoughts about the hiring process and subsequent work environments for data scientists. She had identified the problem I hear about so often through my work: companies need data people but the hiring process is as flawed as the lack of efforts to retain such talent. How do we make our organizations cultivate an environment where data scientists can thrive with their unique set of skills?

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Danielle LeBlanc
Strike Me Maybe

Last week, I was presented with the interesting challenge of tutoring someone on how to trade options, specifically on ETRADE. I’m quite well-versed in how to use E*TRADE for stock trading having done it for the past ten years. But options? They’re pretty much a foreign concept. Fortunately, my student only had one relatively simple question: What is the strike price and how is it set?

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Danielle LeBlanc
My Favorite Montague

If someone important to your life is a Trump supporter and you are not, these past few days are probably bringing up some confusing and frustrating emotions. The normal coping mechanisms of “not talking about politics” or watching news in separate rooms aren’t exactly possible as the world waits in anticipation for the final election results. But can a healthy relationship really be doomed from a few days?

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Danielle LeBlanc
How to Leverage Social Media as a Data Scientist

You may think that by choosing a career as stereotypically “nerdy” as data science, you can avoid having to use social media. But actually, data science being so new as a field, you can’t. Not only is networking worth everything in our insular field, but the content sharing and collaborative debugging that happens on social media is at least partially responsible for pushing the industry forward.

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Danielle LeBlanc