Your Song's Up Next

Some of you may know that I’m a Juilliard trained musician. But did you know how much I LOVE karaoke? Lately, I’ve been singing karaoke at my local watering hole several times a week and let me tell you: it’s a real physical, mental and emotional release.

However, it often happens that I want to try singing songs by a certain artist but can’t decide which song would be best to break the ice. Fortunately, there is a package in R that can help me randomly pull a selection of an artist’s songs and let the computer decide how I make my mark. That package’s name is “chorrrds.”

Of course, first we have to start by downloading “chorrrds” which for me and my version of R, only worked through downloading from github using “devtools.”


After “devtools” is successfully downloaded, you can proceed to install “chorrrds”:


Executing commands in this package will also require the “tidyverse” package so make sure to download that if you don’t already have it:



So I’d already sung numerous songs Ed Sheeran, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears before discovering this package. But, I haven’t yet attempted any songs by Lady Gaga. So what kind of Gaga do I want to be? Do I want to hide my intentions behind a “Pokerface” or tell certain spammers to stop ringing my “Telephone”? A typical karaoke night has me singing 5 songs. So what if I want to have a set solely devoted to Gaga? “chorrds” can help me there:

Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 3.29.01 PM.png

“chorrrds” has more musical functions that I will describe in future posts, but right now, I’m going to be using it to decide which country songs I’m going to sing at karaoke night in preparation for the Country Fest my girl and I are going to in Panama City. Soft Luke Bryan ballades or “Play It Again”? I guess we will find out.

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Danielle LeBlanc