The Tidiest Tuesday

I don’t have to tell any of you reading this that the data science community on Twitter is as lit as my oven was cooking green beans today. And every Tuesday, those of us who love or are curious about the Tidyverse gather to complete a challenge surrounding a new package and dataset.

This week, I’ve come to know about a package that’s main purpose is to make it easier to carry out the Tidy Tuesday challenge in one place. Written by Ellis Hughes, the “tidytuesdayR” package pulls the datasets needed for each Tidy Tuesday challenge into your RStudio environment in just a few quick steps. How could you not participate when it’s that easy to get started?

This package is so hot off the press that it’s only available from Ellis’s GitHub right now. Here’s how to download it:


After downloading the package and calling the library, you can load the data for the Tuesday you choose:

datatues <- tt_load("2020-05-26") 

If you’re behind on Tidy Tuesday challenges like I am, knowing this command can save tons of time if you ever want to recall a prior week’s dataset.


To start working with the datasets, all that’s left to do is define them as data frames:

cocktails <- datatues$cocktails
boston_cocktails <- datatues$boston_cocktails

Now you are ready for any Tidy Tuesday challenge that comes your way. I now have some cocktails to mix, both virtual and drinkable, so I will be seeing you all later.

Want to thank Ellis for making your life easier?

Give him a shoutout on Twitter at @ellis_hughes! You can get the full lowdown on the tidytuesdayr package on GitHub:

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Danielle LeBlanc