What Makes a Podcast Bingeable?

#DataFemme has 9 episodes under its belt with a 10th soon to come. And I thought it was a good time to gather some data on what exactly makes a podcast bingeable. As an avid listener to true crime and my latest obsession “3 Gossip Girls” by ItTakes3, I have my own ideas of what has me queuing like there’s no tomorrow. But I decided to ask the #DataEveryone community, 40 of whose responses helped me form the top for qualities of bingeability I’m sharing with you now.

Engaging Stories

69 percent of voters chose storytelling as the top reason they binge a podcast. Sure, you might be multitasking while a podcast is on, but you still want and need to be entertained. A host’s ability to tell a good story quickly sets listeners’ expectations. Tips for this? Make an outline. Draw it out on paper if you have to. How often do you want to surprise your listener? What part of your story do you see as the climax?

Data science is not like true crime. Sometimes the climax of the story is something you have to invent on the spot, especially if you are interviewing and don’t know exactly what your subject is going to say. In these cases, your reactions are key. You have to define the points that are most significant and the listener will follow suit.

Quirky Humor

As a consumer of podcasts, it’s extremely important to me that I get to know the hosts. Rachel Flowers of Crime Junkie keeps small talk to a minimum, getting right to the murder of the week. However, she somehow manages to seamlessly weave pieces of her life story and interests into the dialogue throughout the episode and I do feel like I know her. This, along with her ability to tell a story engagingly and efficiently, has me coming back episode after episode.

There is such a thing as too much humor if it’s being used to mask a lack of confidence or experience. However, it’s also a main factor in bonding with your listeners. 19 percent of voters agreed.

Consistent Posting

Ever found a podcast episode you love so much and HAVE to binge? Only to find out that the show’s postings are sporadic? That’s a discouraging feeling. Only 6 percent of voters chose consistency as the main determinant of bingeability, but I find it to be an obvious choice. You can’t be bingeable if listeners don’t know when to expect your content.

There are of course, different ways to market based on your chosen intervals. If you post weekly, your following may grow more organically than if you post monthly. But that doesn’t mean monthly is the wrong choice! You can curate a lot of hype around your brand within that time and focus on other types of content to get the word out.

Noteworthy Guests

This was the last option to get chosen in the poll, but eventually tied with “Consistent Posting” at 6 percent. Having noteworthy guests can definitely help a podcast increase exposure, especially when such influencers share the podcast with their respective followings. But does having noteworthy guests necessarily make a podcast bingeable?

I would think for some listeners, having the best and brightest of a given industry represented is important. But for others, the hidden yet-to-be exposed stories are the ones that make the most impact. Check in with your audience frequently to make sure you’re delivering the type of content they most desire.

Do you have ideas on what makes a podcast bingeable?

Submit your options to @dikayodata on Twitter or by email to dikayo@dikayodata.com

Danielle LeBlanc